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You don't have any blog? You'll be left behind. Hari ginii belom punya blog? Ah, gak popo. It's oke. No sirik, please. Having a blog is just a choice. Memiliki blog hanyalah sebuah pilihan. Gak semua orang perlu punya blog, seperti gak semua orang punya rumah, kan?

Blog hanyalah trend. Sesaat? Only God knows. Kalau melihat anginnya sih, kayaknya bisa jadi, blog masih bakal panjang umurnya deh - serta mulia. Karena konon menurut katanya, banyak orang yang justru akhirnya numpang hidup dan menggantungkan penghidupan hanya dengan nge-BLOG. Oh yaa? Yaaa. Ah, masa? Embuhlah!

Fine, now. What next? Want to learn to blog? Or still have to wait until next century? Fine....
That's your choice, itu pilihan.

But, if we want to start the first step, what should we do?
Nek kate ngaiti blajar nge-blog, kudu lapo dhisik? Mangan ta, turu ta, mlayu-mlayu disik?

That's not what you have to do.
If you are reluctant to think to create a blog, jika dirimu males mikir buat blog, tapi pingin punya, ada saran yang bisa diikuti...

Beli buku tentang blog yang banyak, baca, baca, baca..... (malesss? no money?)
Wah, berat! Udah males mikir, males baca, gak punya duit lagi. Komplet merananya.

Mau gak download resep bikin blog tanpa MIKIR (panjang....)???

Download DISINI aja deh .....
Terus coba'en ojo dibaca aja!

Gak punya komputer?
Gak ngerti internet?
Aduh, makkk??!?

Ngomong-ngomong by the way, coba klik tanda nomer 06589125463897552 ini, kiro-kiro iso fungsi ta gak??

this blog is made and created to be a gallery for the students' creations. this is not a better place, but it's so much better than sitting down only and doing nothing.

so, we made it to appreciate what the students have done

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